The subject of money can be so touchy. This subject attached to church is no different! At Strong Tower Baptist Church, we seek to teach people what God’s word says about giving. The Bible has a whole lot to say about giving from the Old Testament all the way through the New Testament.
There are three categories of people within the church when it come to the subject of money:
1) Consistent Tithers & Givers.
2) Occasional Tithers & Givers.
3) Rarely to never Tithers or Givers.
The question is this; as a Christian, do you desire to be biblical in your view & practice on the subject of giving? If your answer is yes, then you need to consider our class on Tithe & Offering.
Soon, we are offering a 5-week Tithe & Offering Class at church. I want to encourage you to take part in this class if you have questions, concerns, or even reservations about biblical giving. Please dismiss any pre-conceived thoughts on what the class will be like or what anyone will think. If you want to learn from God’s word and examine His take is on the subject, then please join us!
We have offered this class many times over the past 10 years, and we always see a radical change in people’s mindset and ultimately their heart concerning giving to the Lord. In this class, we typically laugh together, share together, and sometimes, we even cry together. The Lord has always honored this Bible course. I want to encourage you to take interest in this class. Depending on the amount of interest, we will set the dates and time of class at that time. TBA
If you are interested in this class, please fill out the interest form below. Let’s learn together from God’s Word! Form needs to be completed by 2/12/23.
In His Grace,
Pastor Ancel